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All the Lawsuits the Trump Campaign Has Filed

Yametazamwa mara 67
Ruka hadi kwenye ujumbe wa kwanza ambao haujasomwa


9 Nov 2020, 23:10:3709/11/2020
Here Are All the Lawsuits the Trump Campaign Has Filed Since Election
Day輸nd Why Most Are Unlikely to Go Anywhere


10 Nov 2020, 10:46:4810/11/2020
On 11/9/2020 11:10 PM, micky wrote:
> Here Are All the Lawsuits the Trump Campaign Has Filed Since Election
> Day—And Why Most Are Unlikely to Go Anywhere

You do realize that the Democrat filed about 300 lawsuits before the
election to get a more favorable outcome.

Law here in Delaware is that no votes may be received after the polls
close. Balanced state supreme court rejected try to get count extended
to wait for more ballots to come in. Other states allowed it.

Bob F

10 Nov 2020, 11:24:2610/11/2020
No - thye did not. They filed to make it safe for everyone to vote and
have their vote counted. Something Repubs are terrified of.


10 Nov 2020, 11:48:4410/11/2020
What part of insisting that all the votes must be in by the close of the
polls makes it unsafe?

Bob F

10 Nov 2020, 12:09:1510/11/2020
You are incapable of figuring that out for yourself??

Your stupidity constantly amazes me.

In my state, ballots must be POSTMARKED by election closing time. That
works perfectly. There is NO REASONABLE reason for ballots to have to be
delivered by a deliberately crippled post office by that time. It is
merely a RepubliCON ruse to eliminate huge numbers of health concerned

Ed Pawlowski

10 Nov 2020, 13:16:5410/11/2020
Unsafe or unfair? First, we have laws for voting regulated by states,
not the RNC or DNC. Some states go by postmark. Seems reasonable. Most
of our government agencies use that, like the IRS. Left to their own
laws, states are capable of counting properly.

What makes a mess, states make a law and system, then someone changes
things and bitches about the results of those changes.

PA wanted to count votes as they came in. Trump people said no,
counting starts on election day. Then Trump bitches they are not done
counting. Knowing the blue voters are more likely to vote by mail, he
wanted the counting to stop while he was ahead. At the same time, he
was behind in NV and wanted all the votes counted.

They don't stop football just because the team ahead wants to be
declared the winner. Voting is no different.


10 Nov 2020, 13:16:5510/11/2020
On Tuesday, November 10, 2020 at 10:46:48 AM UTC-5, Frank wrote:
> On 11/9/2020 11:10 PM, micky wrote:
> > Here Are All the Lawsuits the Trump Campaign Has Filed Since Election
> > Day—And Why Most Are Unlikely to Go Anywhere
> >
> >
> >
> You do realize that the Democrat filed about 300 lawsuits before the
> election to get a more favorable outcome.

And how many did the Republicans file? What else did they do? In PA
for example the Democrats wanted to process ballots as they came in.
The Republican legislature refused. So it took days to count them,
Trump told his voters to vote in person, not by mail, the mail-in
are counted over the next day, Trump's lead dwindles away. I see that,
see the facts, it's logical. You and the Trumpets see it and somehow
claim fraud.

> Law here in Delaware is that no votes may be received after the polls
> close. Balanced state supreme court rejected try to get count extended
> to wait for more ballots to come in. Other states allowed it.

Sure, and so what? Whatever rules wound up in place for the election
were the rules. That includes the number of officials from BOTH
parties that are present at the polls and when the ballot are counted.
AFAIK, that didn't change this election, probably has not changed in
most places in many years. It includes how early voting started,
when mail-in ballots had to be received, postmarked, etc. Whatever the
rules were, they were the rules. So, what's your point again? What
team Trump needs to show is that there was some kind of fraud that would
flip the election. In PA, it's 28K votes as of now. I'd like to see any
other election like that where a recount, a challenge, etc changed votes
by anything like that.


10 Nov 2020, 13:19:0510/11/2020
What part of the fact that water passed under the bridge BEFORE the election
do you not understand. You think you can go back and change it now?

10 Nov 2020, 15:04:0410/11/2020
On Tue, 10 Nov 2020 13:16:45 -0500, Ed Pawlowski <> wrote:

>PA wanted to count votes as they came in. Trump people said no,

To be fair, that is what the state law says and PA legislature could
have changed the law, no matter what Trump said ... they didn't.

The law is what it says, not necessarily what you want it to say.

Jim Joyce

10 Nov 2020, 23:52:2610/11/2020
On Tue, 10 Nov 2020 15:03:41 -0500, wrote:

>On Tue, 10 Nov 2020 13:16:45 -0500, Ed Pawlowski <> wrote:
>>PA wanted to count votes as they came in. Trump people said no,
>To be fair, that is what the state law says and PA legislature could
>have changed the law, no matter what Trump said ... they didn't.

Your "PA legislature" are Ed's "Trump people". You knew that, right? So
what Ed said is exactly right.

11 Nov 2020, 01:18:3211/11/2020
On Tue, 10 Nov 2020 22:52:19 -0600, Jim Joyce <no...@none.invalid>

>On Tue, 10 Nov 2020 15:03:41 -0500, wrote:
>>On Tue, 10 Nov 2020 13:16:45 -0500, Ed Pawlowski <> wrote:
>>>PA wanted to count votes as they came in. Trump people said no,
>>To be fair, that is what the state law says and PA legislature could
>>have changed the law, no matter what Trump said ... they didn't.
>Your "PA legislature" are Ed's "Trump people". You knew that, right? So
>what Ed said is exactly right.

Then I guess Biden was lucky to win but it is still the way the
Constitution and the Pa law reads.

Bob F

11 Nov 2020, 01:19:5811/11/2020
And the more unfair it is, the more Repubs like it.

11 Nov 2020, 08:08:5211/11/2020
If the democrats in Philly really gave a shit about how fast the vote
was counted, they would have stayed there until it was done instead of
only working a shift and a half.
BTW why was it "unfair" to delay counting the vote?
Stupid maybe but not unfair.
They had almost a week grace period to get their votes in. They were
still counted. It seems democrats are the ones who have trouble doing
things on time or following a few simple rules. We have to make
special concesssions for stupid people.
Do you really think any of them needed extra time to make up their
minds whether they were going to vote for Trump or not?
I suppose Washington has the most unreliable people tho since they can
get their votes in 20 days late and still have them count.


11 Nov 2020, 08:49:5311/11/2020

The media is doing a serious injustice in all this right now. They keep
talking about the Trump claims that Republicans were unable to watch at
the polls, at counting, etc. The media should be running stories every
day, showing how it;s always been done with reps of both parties watching,
that nothing changed. A bunch of Trumpets shows up at a place, per Trump's
directive, bangs on the doors and windows, demands to be let in and
officials tell them no. That turns into the claim that they were denied
the ability to watch.


11 Nov 2020, 08:52:4611/11/2020

It was the PA GOP controlled legislature that refused to allow ballots to
be processed in any way, including just preliminary processing, before
election day. In other states they did that. In those states not only
did they have results much faster, but they also were able to notify
voters of any problems with their ballots, eg no signature, and give
them an opportunity to correct it and still vote.


11 Nov 2020, 09:01:0311/11/2020
With the exception of the ballots that arrived late. There the Democrats
went to court before the election and the PA SC set a new date for all
ballots to be in. That went to the SC and the SC, irresponsibly, said,
we don't have time to hear it now, set those ballots aside and maybe
we'll do something later. I haven't heard how many ballots this is,
but I don't see that it matters, Biden has a 28K lead without them.

And this was a really dumb move by the SC. Because if it mattered and
they heard the case, now what? Suppose they decide that what the PA SC
did was illegal? Now what? Honest people who did nothing wrong,
sent in their ballots under rules the state election officials and courts
had put in place. The GOP wants them tossed. Would you? It would be
making a second huge wrong, because of a smaller previous wrong.
If they ever had to rule, the only reasonable decision I see is that if
they find the PA SC was wrong, to allow those votes to be counted anyway.

Ed Pawlowski

11 Nov 2020, 09:17:1111/11/2020
On 11/11/2020 8:08 AM, wrote:

> If the democrats in Philly really gave a shit about how fast the vote
> was counted, they would have stayed there until it was done instead of
> only working a shift and a half.

Oh come on, how do you know the party of the vote counters? How long do
you expect them to work in a day? 12 hours is a pretty long shift.

Vote county like this has been going on for decades behind the scenes.
Until this year, no one cared and the volume is higher. Better to be
accurate than rush, there is plenty of time.

11 Nov 2020, 10:41:1611/11/2020
The democrats did EXACTLY the same thing in Miami in 2000.

11 Nov 2020, 10:43:5611/11/2020
It is still the law. I can assure you if this was going the other way
the democrats would be bitching.

11 Nov 2020, 10:53:5711/11/2020
The law here is they have to be received by election day.
The ballots are mailed out almost a month early. There is no excuse
for not signing the envelope and mailing them in on time. Why is that
so hard?
Do you really think anyone in Philly was confused about whether they
were voting for Biden or Trump?

Why do we have to bend rules to accommodate the laziest and dumbest
voters? Maybe that does explain AOC tho. Government by morons.

11 Nov 2020, 10:59:4611/11/2020
On Wed, 11 Nov 2020 09:17:01 -0500, Ed Pawlowski <> wrote:

>On 11/11/2020 8:08 AM, wrote:
>> If the democrats in Philly really gave a shit about how fast the vote
>> was counted, they would have stayed there until it was done instead of
>> only working a shift and a half.
>Oh come on, how do you know the party of the vote counters? How long do
>you expect them to work in a day? 12 hours is a pretty long shift.
I know who runs Philly and who makes the rules there. The worker
dweebs do what they are told by the city government.
Democratic: 853,140 (77.4%)
Republican: 125,530 (11.4%)

Scott Lurndal

11 Nov 2020, 11:37:1011/11/2020
The use of the derogatory term 'dweebs' says a lot about you (nothing good, btw).

>Democratic: 853,140 (77.4%)
>Republican: 125,530 (11.4%)

You suppose those 853,000 democratic voters voted for the city government leadership?


11 Nov 2020, 12:13:3711/11/2020
I don't disagree. But that's not the issue. The issue is what the rules
were before election day.

> Do you really think anyone in Philly was confused about whether they
> were voting for Biden or Trump?
> Why do we have to bend rules to accommodate the laziest and dumbest
> voters? Maybe that does explain AOC tho. Government by morons.

I don't disagree. The message could have been that the mail may run
slow, so plan accordingly. But I say we have to live with whatever
the rules were that were put out to the public before election day.


11 Nov 2020, 12:18:1511/11/2020
And what exactly would the benefit be in that case to the Democrats,
by extending this drama out over a week, instead of counting them all
by Wednesday? You've hit on the core problem, Philly is heavily Democrat
and when their votes were counted, Trump lost. Duh! I would think
the Democrats would have been even happier winning PA Tuesday night or Wed.


11 Nov 2020, 12:23:1511/11/2020
I'll take your word for that. The situation is still very different.
FL was about a couple hundred votes determining the outcome of the whole
election. In the current case, Trump has no realistic path to victory
at all. He'd have to reverse Biden's leads in GA, PA, AZ etc. Right
now Biden is ahead in the popular vote by 5 mil+, 3.1%. When is enough,

Scott Lurndal

11 Nov 2020, 13:36:1311/11/2020
trader_4 <> writes:
>On Wednesday, November 11, 2020 at 10:41:16 AM UTC-5, wrote=
>> On Wed, 11 Nov 2020 05:49:46 -0800 (PST), trader_4
>> <> wrote:

>> >that nothing changed. A bunch of Trumpets shows up at a place, per Trum=
>> >directive, bangs on the doors and windows, demands to be let in and
>> >officials tell them no. That turns into the claim that they were denied
>> >the ability to watch.
>> +
>> The democrats did EXACTLY the same thing in Miami in 2000.
>I'll take your word for that.

I wouldn't. I'd prefer a citation to some evidence that
it actually occurred. Fretwell doesn't have a stellar
repuation when it comes to facts.

"Joe Geller was deep in the trenches. The county's Democratic Party chairman
was worried that thousands of Miami-Dade ballots might have been affected by a
voting machine glitch, potentially costing Gore the election. So on Nov. 22,
he headed to the drab government high-rise in downtown Miami where a manual
recount was underway.

But when he arrived, he found the lobby and elections office filled with
several dozen protesters - many of them in suit jackets and button-down shirts.

Geller had walked into the "Brooks Brothers Riot" a protest organized by
Republican campaign operatives, congressional staffers and lawyers.

When Geller asked election officials for a sample ballot to test his
voting machine theory, the GOP operatives suddenly surrounded him,
accusing him of stealing ballots to try to influence the election,
he told The Washington Post in a telephone interview this week.

11 Nov 2020, 18:26:4911/11/2020
On Wed, 11 Nov 2020 16:37:02 GMT, (Scott Lurndal)
Ed seems to be the one surprised by that.

11 Nov 2020, 18:32:4811/11/2020
I suppose the question is when were those laws made and why?
The only logical reason is they could not trust their elections people
not to leak the results of the early vote before the election and they
know their people better than I do.
We didn't have that problem here. My vote was counted a couple of
weeks before the election and I never heard of any leaks before the

11 Nov 2020, 18:36:5011/11/2020
On Wed, 11 Nov 2020 09:23:09 -0800 (PST), trader_4
It was very well covered by the news and if you are interested I am
sure the story is still out there somewhere on the net. The thing that
strikes me about all of this is how much it looks like what the
Democrats were doing in 2000.

>The situation is still very different.
>FL was about a couple hundred votes determining the outcome of the whole
>election. In the current case, Trump has no realistic path to victory
>at all. He'd have to reverse Biden's leads in GA, PA, AZ etc. Right
>now Biden is ahead in the popular vote by 5 mil+, 3.1%. When is enough,

I am not confused about that. Biden won.

11 Nov 2020, 18:39:0011/11/2020
On Wed, 11 Nov 2020 18:36:05 GMT, (Scott Lurndal)
Maybe the video didn't make it to the WaPo but they were pounding on
the glass demanding to be let in to watch the count.

Ed Pawlowski

11 Nov 2020, 19:24:4811/11/2020
Surprised at what? I live in Philly for 36 years and yes, it is mostly

Surprised at 12 hour days instead of 24? What's the rush? You want
capable people doing the job, not some temp help from Kelley girl.

There was plenty of time to do it right and accurate. The result from
the cities is no surprise at all. Of the 853,140 registered Dems, I'd
guess that 853,139 voted for Biden. No wonder Rudy wanted the counting

As an aside, I lived about 1 1/2 miles from the Four Season Landscaping
too. I cannot image why they chose that location aside from it is just
off the I95 exit and was cheap.

Jim Joyce

11 Nov 2020, 19:49:4611/11/2020
On Wed, 11 Nov 2020 05:52:40 -0800 (PST), trader_4 <>
It's a simple, straightforward story, but I see that Greg is still
completely confused. He's exhausting.

Jim Joyce

11 Nov 2020, 20:12:4711/11/2020
Right. If only someone had thought to mention that "PA wanted to count
votes as they came in. Trump people said no". Oh, wait, someone did, just
above in this thread.

>I can assure you if this was going the other way the democrats would be bitching.

The Democrats are already (correctly) bitching. I assume you meant to say
Republicans, but who cares.

Bob F

11 Nov 2020, 20:43:3111/11/2020
And it was available after trump tweeted about the meeting at the "Four


11 Nov 2020, 21:51:5411/11/2020
In, on Wed, 11 Nov 2020 17:43:23 -0800, Bob F
<> wrote:

>Ed said:
>> Surprised at what? I live in Philly for 36 years and yes, it is mostly
>> democratic.
>> Surprised at 12 hour days instead of 24?  What's the rush?  You want
>> capable people doing the job, not some temp help from Kelley girl.
>> There was plenty of time to do it right and accurate.  The result from
>> the cities is no surprise at all.  Of the 853,140 registered Dems, I'd
>> guess that 853,139 voted for Biden.  No wonder Rudy wanted the counting
>> stopped.
>> As an aside, I lived about 1 1/2 miles from the Four Season Landscaping
>> too.  I cannot image why they chose that location aside from it is just
>> off the I95 exit and was cheap.

I thought it was so the press could arrange for their snow plowing,
while they were there. Unfortunately, they are closed on Saturday. I
wonder who unlocked the gate, or if they keep it locked.
>And it was available after trump tweeted about the meeting at the "Four

So you think they wanted the hotel but the hotel was full or didn't want
them? Or they called the wrong place by mistake? I thought some 19 y.o.
staffer called the wrong place in the first place and didn't check where
the address was. But then I read that the hotel tweeted it was not
there. of course that could be that some press and staff ignored the
address on the press release and called the hotel, maybe to see if they
had free parking, or where the entrance to parking was. ?? I'm going
to need details if I'm to put this episode in the script of my new
movie, Clark Griswold Becomes a Campaign Staffer.

12 Nov 2020, 01:20:1312/11/2020
On Wed, 11 Nov 2020 19:12:40 -0600, Jim Joyce <no...@none.invalid>
How did Trump tell the city of Philadelphia what to do? Your TDS is


12 Nov 2020, 07:56:5912/11/2020
Through the Republicans in the PA state legislature, obviously. They
refused to allow any processing of the ballots before election day.
That set the stage for the huge backlog, the Trump red wave on election
night with fast results from the pollls, followed by the blue wave where
they counted the mail-in ballots and he lost. Trump and his team
knew what they were doing. Trump discourage Republicans from voting
by mail, they obeyed. Democrats did not, they mailed in ballots.
It was widely reported that this is what would happen. Trump knew it
and then on election night when he figured his red wave had peaked,
with Biden in the lead anyway in both popular vote and electoral votes
called, Trump went on TV and claimed he had won, claimed now a
"great fraud" was being committed and demanded that all counting cease.
It's just the latest, perhaps most destructive Trump assault on our


12 Nov 2020, 08:02:3412/11/2020
It appears that Rudy's ace team mistook Four Seasons Landscaping for the
Four Seasons hotel in Philly and the landscape company folks played him,
just like Borat. By the time Rudy figured it out, it was too late
to change. IDK if it's true or not, but how else would they wind up
there? Rudy is dumb enough to believe that the DNC servers are in Ukraine
and that Crowdstrike is a Ukranian company, so obviously he's not good
at using Google or the internet, so it fits in.


12 Nov 2020, 08:12:0812/11/2020
On Wednesday, November 11, 2020 at 6:32:48 PM UTC-5, wrote:
> On Wed, 11 Nov 2020 09:18:09 -0800 (PST), trader_4
> <> wrote:
> >On Wednesday, November 11, 2020 at 10:59:46 AM UTC-5, wrote:
> >> On Wed, 11 Nov 2020 09:17:01 -0500, Ed Pawlowski <> wrote:
> >>
> >> >On 11/11/2020 8:08 AM, wrote:
> >> >
> >> >>
> >> >> If the democrats in Philly really gave a shit about how fast the vote
> >> >> was counted, they would have stayed there until it was done instead of
> >> >> only working a shift and a half.
> >> >
> >> >Oh come on, how do you know the party of the vote counters? How long do
> >> >you expect them to work in a day? 12 hours is a pretty long shift.
> >> >
> >> I know who runs Philly and who makes the rules there. The worker
> >> dweebs do what they are told by the city government.
> >> Democratic: 853,140 (77.4%)
> >> Republican: 125,530 (11.4%)
> >
> >And what exactly would the benefit be in that case to the Democrats,
> >by extending this drama out over a week, instead of counting them all
> >by Wednesday? You've hit on the core problem, Philly is heavily Democrat
> >and when their votes were counted, Trump lost. Duh! I would think
> >the Democrats would have been even happier winning PA Tuesday night or Wed.
> >
> I suppose the question is when were those laws made and why?

Presumably those laws were made long ago, before Covid, when there was
only a small percentage of mail-in, absentee ballots. And then with
Covid, everyone knew the volume of mail-in ballots would be huge,
the Democrats in PA wanted to modify them to adapt, so that ballots
could be processed as they come in, like other states, including FL do.
The Republican controlled legislature refused.

> The only logical reason is they could not trust their elections people
> not to leak the results of the early vote before the election and they
> know their people better than I do.

I have a far more logical reason, evidenced by the facts. Trump has
railed against mail-in voting for months. Republicans opposed it.
So, they didn't want to do anything to help accommodate it, to help
make it work. Further, they realized that Trump's discouraging
Republicans from voting by mail would result in a huge red wave on
election night, as the results from the polling places where people
voted that day came in. It would greatly distort the results in favor
of Trump, until the mail-in ballots could be counted. That would give
Trump the opportunity to try to claim he won, to claim the rest was
fraud, etc. And that is exactly what we saw happen.

> We didn't have that problem here. My vote was counted a couple of
> weeks before the election and I never heard of any leaks before the
> election.

My understanding is that states that did counting ahead, the numbers
go from counting machines into secure servers and no one can see the
numbers until the election is over.


12 Nov 2020, 08:13:5512/11/2020
That's good to hear.

Ed Pawlowski

12 Nov 2020, 09:27:5312/11/2020
On 11/12/2020 8:02 AM, trader_4 wrote:

>> Surprised at what? I live in Philly for 36 years and yes, it is mostly
>> democratic.
>> Surprised at 12 hour days instead of 24? What's the rush? You want
>> capable people doing the job, not some temp help from Kelley girl.
>> There was plenty of time to do it right and accurate. The result from
>> the cities is no surprise at all. Of the 853,140 registered Dems, I'd
>> guess that 853,139 voted for Biden. No wonder Rudy wanted the counting
>> stopped.
>> As an aside, I lived about 1 1/2 miles from the Four Season Landscaping
>> too. I cannot image why they chose that location aside from it is just
>> off the I95 exit and was cheap.
> It appears that Rudy's ace team mistook Four Seasons Landscaping for the
> Four Seasons hotel in Philly and the landscape company folks played him,
> just like Borat. By the time Rudy figured it out, it was too late
> to change. IDK if it's true or not, but how else would they wind up
> there? Rudy is dumb enough to believe that the DNC servers are in Ukraine
> and that Crowdstrike is a Ukranian company, so obviously he's not good
> at using Google or the internet, so it fits in.
There are side effects though, all good. Both Four Season and Fantasy
Island got plenty of publicity.
OTOH, that is probably all Trump can afford, his campaign fund is gone
and he it taking money from the new legal fund to bail out.

Bob F

12 Nov 2020, 10:04:0312/11/2020
And the unmasked gathering might have influenced the increase of
business at the funeral home too.

Scott Lurndal

12 Nov 2020, 10:14:2712/11/2020
If so, there should be some evidence that you can provide to support
your assertion.

12 Nov 2020, 12:42:2012/11/2020
On Thu, 12 Nov 2020 04:56:53 -0800 (PST), trader_4
I see everything but motive since the votes that arrived on time were
going to be counted anyway.

12 Nov 2020, 12:54:2712/11/2020
On Thu, 12 Nov 2020 15:14:20 GMT, (Scott Lurndal)
I suppose there is some 20 year old video out there but I don't care
enough to spend a half hour looking for it. Would I get an apology for
calling me a lair? not a fucking chance. We have established the mob.
You already found the story and it was properly whitewashed by the


12 Nov 2020, 13:37:5612/11/2020
Which ignores that on election night, Trump came out and declared that
all counting must stop, that a "great fraud" was being committed. that
he had won. Or that the next day Trump ran to courts, trying to stop
the vote counting. Geeez. BTW, feel free to condemn what Trump did
at any time.

Scott Lurndal

12 Nov 2020, 13:39:1512/11/2020
I suspect you believe it is true[*]. That doesn't make you a liar,
it just makes you potentially wrong. You made the assertion, it is
up to you to support it.

[*] Unless, of course, you're a russian troll attempting to sow discord,
in which case you're a bloody scumbag.

12 Nov 2020, 13:46:5912/11/2020
On Thu, 12 Nov 2020 10:37:47 -0800 (PST), trader_4
Not my job. I am not supporting what Trump did, nor what stupid yankee
state laws say. It is why I moved. When Maryland started looking like
New York, I had to go.

12 Nov 2020, 13:59:3112/11/2020
On Thu, 12 Nov 2020 18:39:08 GMT, (Scott Lurndal)
To start with which part is not true?

There was a protest of the unsupervised vote count.
You linked a WaPo article on it
They were pounding on the glass and the doors demanding to either be
let in to watch or stop the count.

Scott Lurndal

12 Nov 2020, 14:57:3312/11/2020
The article didn't actually say that. Here's a contemporaneous account:

"Republican telephone banks had urged Republican voters in Miami
to go to the Stephen P. Clark Government Center downtown to protest
the recount, which began there on Monday and which Democrats hoped
would help swing Florida's 25 electoral votes to Vice President Al Gore."

The protests ended up convincing the county to terminate the manual recount
without finishing it which is another example of the republicans ignoring
the will of the voters to win at any cost.

12 Nov 2020, 16:45:5412/11/2020
On Thu, 12 Nov 2020 19:57:25 GMT, (Scott Lurndal)
The actual dispute was not allowing people to watch the vote but all
you really have to complain about is I can't find a video of them
banging on the glass. I'm sorry I didn't tape that so I could send you
a copy.

Jim Joyce

12 Nov 2020, 17:34:3112/11/2020
On Wed, 11 Nov 2020 01:18:08 -0500, wrote:

>On Tue, 10 Nov 2020 22:52:19 -0600, Jim Joyce <no...@none.invalid>
>>On Tue, 10 Nov 2020 15:03:41 -0500, wrote:
>>>On Tue, 10 Nov 2020 13:16:45 -0500, Ed Pawlowski <> wrote:
>>>>PA wanted to count votes as they came in. Trump people said no,
>>>To be fair, that is what the state law says and PA legislature could
>>>have changed the law, no matter what Trump said ... they didn't.
>>Your "PA legislature" are Ed's "Trump people". You knew that, right? So
>>what Ed said is exactly right.
>Then I guess Biden was lucky to win

Then I guess you still don't know what you're talking about.

>but it is still the way the
>Constitution and the Pa law reads.

The Constitution? Wait, never mind. It's just more rambling nonsense.

Jim Joyce

12 Nov 2020, 17:37:5312/11/2020
On Wed, 11 Nov 2020 10:53:31 -0500, wrote:

>On Wed, 11 Nov 2020 06:00:56 -0800 (PST), trader_4
><> wrote:
>>On Wednesday, November 11, 2020 at 1:18:32 AM UTC-5, wrote:
>>> On Tue, 10 Nov 2020 22:52:19 -0600, Jim Joyce <no...@none.invalid>
>>> wrote:
>>> >On Tue, 10 Nov 2020 15:03:41 -0500, wrote:
>>> >
>>> >>On Tue, 10 Nov 2020 13:16:45 -0500, Ed Pawlowski <> wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >>>PA wanted to count votes as they came in. Trump people said no,
>>> >>
>>> >>To be fair, that is what the state law says and PA legislature could
>>> >>have changed the law, no matter what Trump said ... they didn't.
>>> >
>>> >Your "PA legislature" are Ed's "Trump people". You knew that, right? So
>>> >what Ed said is exactly right.
>>> Then I guess Biden was lucky to win but it is still the way the
>>> Constitution and the Pa law reads.
>>With the exception of the ballots that arrived late. There the Democrats
>>went to court before the election and the PA SC set a new date for all
>>ballots to be in. That went to the SC and the SC, irresponsibly, said,
>>we don't have time to hear it now, set those ballots aside and maybe
>>we'll do something later. I haven't heard how many ballots this is,
>>but I don't see that it matters, Biden has a 28K lead without them.
>>And this was a really dumb move by the SC. Because if it mattered and
>>they heard the case, now what? Suppose they decide that what the PA SC
>>did was illegal? Now what? Honest people who did nothing wrong,
>>sent in their ballots under rules the state election officials and courts
>>had put in place. The GOP wants them tossed. Would you? It would be
>>making a second huge wrong, because of a smaller previous wrong.
>>If they ever had to rule, the only reasonable decision I see is that if
>>they find the PA SC was wrong, to allow those votes to be counted anyway.
>The law here is they have to be received by election day.

"Here" is Florida, in your case. Florida election law does not extend past
Florida's borders.

>The ballots are mailed out almost a month early. There is no excuse
>for not signing the envelope and mailing them in on time. Why is that
>so hard?

Who said it was hard?

>Do you really think anyone in Philly was confused about whether they
>were voting for Biden or Trump?

Too dumb to warrant a response, as if indecision was the only possible
reason for delay. Not everyone lives in your nursing home.

>Why do we have to bend rules to accommodate the laziest and dumbest
>voters? Maybe that does explain AOC tho. Government by morons.

Are you still talking about Florida?

Jim Joyce

12 Nov 2020, 17:40:1712/11/2020
On Wed, 11 Nov 2020 10:59:19 -0500, wrote:

>On Wed, 11 Nov 2020 09:17:01 -0500, Ed Pawlowski <> wrote:
>>On 11/11/2020 8:08 AM, wrote:
>>> If the democrats in Philly really gave a shit about how fast the vote
>>> was counted, they would have stayed there until it was done instead of
>>> only working a shift and a half.
>>Oh come on, how do you know the party of the vote counters? How long do
>>you expect them to work in a day? 12 hours is a pretty long shift.
>I know who runs Philly and who makes the rules there. The worker
>dweebs do what they are told by the city government.
>Democratic: 853,140 (77.4%)
>Republican: 125,530 (11.4%)

Apology accepted, but why do you keep doing it to yourself?

I just saw another thread where "as we speak" meant 3-4 months ago. Your
poor feet must be shot to pieces by now.

Jim Joyce

12 Nov 2020, 17:47:0312/11/2020
I think someone Googled "Four Seasons" on their phone and the "Total
Landscaping" part simply scrolled off the small display. Instead of the
lobby of an expensive upscale hotel, they landed in the parking lot next to
the sex shop and the crematory. It's humorous, but it's what I've come to

Jim Joyce

12 Nov 2020, 17:48:5212/11/2020
2 + 2 = 7

12 Nov 2020, 18:39:1812/11/2020
On Thu, 12 Nov 2020 16:34:24 -0600, Jim Joyce <no...@none.invalid>

>On Wed, 11 Nov 2020 01:18:08 -0500, wrote:
>>On Tue, 10 Nov 2020 22:52:19 -0600, Jim Joyce <no...@none.invalid>
>>>On Tue, 10 Nov 2020 15:03:41 -0500, wrote:
>>>>On Tue, 10 Nov 2020 13:16:45 -0500, Ed Pawlowski <> wrote:
>>>>>PA wanted to count votes as they came in. Trump people said no,
>>>>To be fair, that is what the state law says and PA legislature could
>>>>have changed the law, no matter what Trump said ... they didn't.
>>>Your "PA legislature" are Ed's "Trump people". You knew that, right? So
>>>what Ed said is exactly right.
>>Then I guess Biden was lucky to win
>Then I guess you still don't know what you're talking about.
If the fix was in, Biden was lucky to win. Why is that so hard to

>>but it is still the way the
>>Constitution and the Pa law reads.
>The Constitution? Wait, never mind. It's just more rambling nonsense.
Article II
Section 1 (2). Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the
legislature thereof may direct,

It is a wonderful document. You should read it sometime.

12 Nov 2020, 18:41:1512/11/2020
On Thu, 12 Nov 2020 16:37:47 -0600, Jim Joyce <no...@none.invalid>
I am talking about the special dispensations necessary for people too
stupid to follow a few simple directions and mail their ballot in
Funny how those are places with a lot of Democrats.

12 Nov 2020, 18:45:3512/11/2020
On Thu, 12 Nov 2020 16:40:11 -0600, Jim Joyce <no...@none.invalid>

>On Wed, 11 Nov 2020 10:59:19 -0500, wrote:
>>>Oh come on, how do you know the party of the vote counters? How long do
>>>you expect them to work in a day? 12 hours is a pretty long shift.
>>I know who runs Philly and who makes the rules there. The worker
>>dweebs do what they are told by the city government.
>>Democratic: 853,140 (77.4%)
>>Republican: 125,530 (11.4%)
>Apology accepted, but why do you keep doing it to yourself?

Apology for what. Pointing out why there is a good reason to decide
the election officials in Philly are Democrats. (answering this

"Oh come on, how do you know the party of the vote counters?"

You are starting to look pretty stupid.

Bob F

12 Nov 2020, 20:20:4412/11/2020
And then there are the republitards who are too stupid to take basic
medically recommended steps to avoid spreading covid, and keep killing
themselves and others off.


12 Nov 2020, 22:01:4812/11/2020
On Tuesday, November 10, 2020 at 12:16:55 PM UTC-6, trader_4 wrote:
> On Tuesday, November 10, 2020 at 10:46:48 AM UTC-5, Frank wrote:
> > On 11/9/2020 11:10 PM, micky wrote:
> > > Here Are All the Lawsuits the Trump Campaign Has Filed Since Election
> > > Day—And Why Most Are Unlikely to Go Anywhere
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> > You do realize that the Democrat filed about 300 lawsuits before the
> > election to get a more favorable outcome.
> And how many did the Republicans file? What else did they do? In PA
> for example the Democrats wanted to process ballots as they came in.
> The Republican legislature refused. So it took days to count them,
> Trump told his voters to vote in person, not by mail, the mail-in
> are counted over the next day, Trump's lead dwindles away. I see that,
> see the facts, it's logical. You and the Trumpets see it and somehow
> claim fraud.
> >
> > Law here in Delaware is that no votes may be received after the polls
> > close. Balanced state supreme court rejected try to get count extended
> > to wait for more ballots to come in. Other states allowed it.
> Sure, and so what? Whatever rules wound up in place for the election
> were the rules. That includes the number of officials from BOTH
> parties that are present at the polls and when the ballot are counted.
> AFAIK, that didn't change this election, probably has not changed in
> most places in many years. It includes how early voting started,
> when mail-in ballots had to be received, postmarked, etc. Whatever the
> rules were, they were the rules. So, what's your point again? What
> team Trump needs to show is that there was some kind of fraud that would
> flip the election. In PA, it's 28K votes as of now. I'd like to see any
> other election like that where a recount, a challenge, etc changed votes
> by anything like that.

I was living in Alabama, and had to use fmla to come home to Pennsylvania to spend time with my parents. I talked to a lot of people. People I had known for many years, democrats and republicans alike, none on either end of the extreme scale.. I interacted with a significant number of medical people, from sitters to specialists. I interacted with a lot of uber and taxi drivers as i had to take several every week.

The republicans I knew voted for Trump the first time because either they viewed him as lesser of two evils (Hilary) or they were conservative single issue voters (abortion). The republican voters mostly moved to BIden. I heard them say things such as "I did not know Trump was this stupid" or "he failed to bring the country together even though he had his chance" or " I do not like presidents who pal around with pedophiles" or "OMG he is corrupt"

As far as the Uber drivers, they were overwhelmingly pro Biden. One blasted Mark Levin without asking me if it was ok. Very discourteous. Another was open enough to give me reasons why he preferred Trump. Immigration. Though he said he liked what Trump had done about immigration, he could not fully articulate what it was that he liked.

After this amount of exposure, I was pretty convinced that Philadelphia and suburbs would go Biden. Pennsylvanians are fiercely loyal about what they perceive as "one of their own"

Notably, not only was Biden a native, but he was a Delaware senator. Pennsylvanians mostly view Delaware as part of Pennsylvania, because it is a bedroom community for that part of Philadelphia suburbs. In fact, one of the Pennsylvania counties right south of Philadelphia is Delaware County which went for Biden.

Pennsylvanians also think of Jill Biden as "one of their own". She grew up in Willow Grove which is in Montgomery County. They love her there. In fact, she held her rally at the high school she attended as a teen, which is "around the block" from my parents home. Montgomery County was majority Republican but this year they were going to vote for Jill., um Joe. Montgomery County and Bucks just north of it are increasingly more concerned about green issues. So again, that is a Biden vote. So many people there were upset about the giveaways Trump had given to corporations that were intending to overdevelop or overbuild.

Another factor in the Biden vote is the Russia issue. Pennsylvania and specifically the Philadelphia metro area had at times one of the highest immigrations from countries such as Ukraine. Those who voted for Trump in 2016 were sure Trump would kick Putin's ass. He didn't and in fact, his behavior with the "perfect phone call" showed he favored Putin over Ukraine. Trump lost a serious portion of that vote to Biden, who has visited Ukraine often and who had urged Obama to do more.

So based on observation, I would say Trump lost this time fair and square. Not because of corruption but because, in a word, he SUX


We need comprehensive immigration reform. Dr. King wouldn't be pleased at all to know that there are millions of people living in the shadow, living in fear in places like Georgia and Alabama.

John Lewis


12 Nov 2020, 22:06:0112/11/2020
On Wednesday, November 11, 2020 at 12:18:32 AM UTC-6, wrote:
> On Tue, 10 Nov 2020 22:52:19 -0600, Jim Joyce <no...@none.invalid>
> wrote:
> >On Tue, 10 Nov 2020 15:03:41 -0500, wrote:
> >
> >>On Tue, 10 Nov 2020 13:16:45 -0500, Ed Pawlowski <> wrote:
> >>
> >>>PA wanted to count votes as they came in. Trump people said no,
> >>
> >>To be fair, that is what the state law says and PA legislature could
> >>have changed the law, no matter what Trump said ... they didn't.
> >
> >Your "PA legislature" are Ed's "Trump people". You knew that, right? So
> >what Ed said is exactly right.
> Then I guess Biden was lucky to win but it is still the way the
> Constitution and the Pa law reads.

he was not lucky. People in Pennsylvania really really like him.

I will be happy to help the Trumps pack


I think of myself as a Hollywood hillbilly, but I'm sick of all these questions people ask about Alabama. 'Do you have an outhouse?' 'Is there a lot of inbreeding in your family?' They think all Southerners don't have computers and TV sets and that we're all still living in 1862.

Sunny Mabrey


12 Nov 2020, 22:08:4312/11/2020
On Wednesday, November 11, 2020 at 8:17:11 AM UTC-6, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 11/11/2020 8:08 AM, wrote:
> >
> > If the democrats in Philly really gave a shit about how fast the vote
> > was counted, they would have stayed there until it was done instead of
> > only working a shift and a half.
> Oh come on, how do you know the party of the vote counters? How long do
> you expect them to work in a day? 12 hours is a pretty long shift.
> Vote county like this has been going on for decades behind the scenes.
> Until this year, no one cared and the volume is higher. Better to be
> accurate than rush, there is plenty of time.

this lady maintains that they were working 24 hour shifts. I find that improbable. I do however think she is just mad because she didn't get her free hoagie


12 Nov 2020, 22:20:4112/11/2020
On Wednesday, November 11, 2020 at 6:24:48 PM UTC-6, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 11/11/2020 6:26 PM, wrote:
> > On Wed, 11 Nov 2020 16:37:02 GMT, (Scott Lurndal)
> > wrote:
> >
> >> writes:
> >>> On Wed, 11 Nov 2020 09:17:01 -0500, Ed Pawlowski <> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> On 11/11/2020 8:08 AM, wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> If the democrats in Philly really gave a shit about how fast the vote
> >>>>> was counted, they would have stayed there until it was done instead of
> >>>>> only working a shift and a half.
> >>>>
> >>>> Oh come on, how do you know the party of the vote counters? How long do
> >>>> you expect them to work in a day? 12 hours is a pretty long shift.
> >>>>
> >>> I know who runs Philly and who makes the rules there. The worker
> >>> dweebs do what they are told by the city government.
> >>
> >> The use of the derogatory term 'dweebs' says a lot about you (nothing good, btw).
> >>
> >>> Democratic: 853,140 (77.4%)
> >>> Republican: 125,530 (11.4%)
> >>
> >> You suppose those 853,000 democratic voters voted for the city government leadership?
> >
> > Ed seems to be the one surprised by that.
> >
> Surprised at what? I live in Philly for 36 years and yes, it is mostly
> democratic.
> Surprised at 12 hour days instead of 24? What's the rush? You want
> capable people doing the job, not some temp help from Kelley girl.
> There was plenty of time to do it right and accurate. The result from
> the cities is no surprise at all. Of the 853,140 registered Dems, I'd
> guess that 853,139 voted for Biden. No wonder Rudy wanted the counting
> stopped.
> As an aside, I lived about 1 1/2 miles from the Four Season Landscaping
> too. I cannot image why they chose that location aside from it is just
> off the I95 exit and was cheap.

even if they worked 12 hour shifts that is a lot

all i would want after that is just a drink and then sleep

I agree that is a weird place to have any social event, it is right at the end of State street, close to the Tacony Palmyra and very industrial. Not to mention that landscaper was sandwiched between a crematorium and a porn shop. Possibly they chose the site because Trump wants to build his Presidential Library at the adult book store.

The photos of the event show the place was a little beat up which is what you would expect from a landscaper business.


Alabama will always be home and have a special place in my heart, but I want my life to be more than just living there. I want to see more of the world and, through that, find out more about myself.

Hannah Brown

12 Nov 2020, 22:45:1812/11/2020
Look Squirrel !

When you change the subject I know I hit a nerve.

12 Nov 2020, 22:47:2512/11/2020
That lie only works on people who did not stay up late on election
Tuesday ... or any other night that week. NBC reported that they went
home at 11.

12 Nov 2020, 22:52:3412/11/2020
>even if they worked 12 hour shifts that is a lot
>all i would want after that is just a drink and then sleep

You can schedule other people to take over when the first shift goes
home. Did they really think they were going to count all those votes
in 4 hours?
Either they didn't care or the Philadelphia leadership is the acme of
incompetent government planning.
I suspect both are true.

Bob F

12 Nov 2020, 23:05:3812/11/2020
Sorry, you just hit the idiot threshold.

Bob F

12 Nov 2020, 23:08:3812/11/2020
Or you can just wait for them to do their job. They got it done way
ahead of schedule.

Clare Snyder

13 Nov 2020, 01:43:0813/11/2020
>As an aside, I lived about 1 1/2 miles from the Four Season Landscaping
>too. I cannot image why they chose that location aside from it is just
>off the I95 exit and was cheap.
The more obvious makes more sense - Drooliani or one of his
underlings f'd up and THOUGHT they were callong the hotel and by the
time they figured it out it was too late - and the landscapers got a
good laugh and raised some money from their "merch" sales for a
democratic entity.

Jim Joyce

13 Nov 2020, 01:47:4413/11/2020
On Thu, 12 Nov 2020 04:56:53 -0800 (PST), trader_4 <>

>On Thursday, November 12, 2020 at 1:20:13 AM UTC-5, wrote:
>> On Wed, 11 Nov 2020 19:12:40 -0600, Jim Joyce <no...@none.invalid>
>> wrote:
>> >On Wed, 11 Nov 2020 10:43:30 -0500, wrote:
>> >
>> >>On Wed, 11 Nov 2020 05:52:40 -0800 (PST), trader_4
>> >><> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>>On Tuesday, November 10, 2020 at 11:52:26 PM UTC-5, Jim Joyce wrote:
>> >>>> On Tue, 10 Nov 2020 15:03:41 -0500, wrote:
>> >>>>
>> >>>> >On Tue, 10 Nov 2020 13:16:45 -0500, Ed Pawlowski <> wrote:
>> >>>> >
>> >>>> >>PA wanted to count votes as they came in. Trump people said no,
>> >>>> >
>> >>>> >To be fair, that is what the state law says and PA legislature could
>> >>>> >have changed the law, no matter what Trump said ... they didn't.
>> >>>>
>> >>>> Your "PA legislature" are Ed's "Trump people". You knew that, right? So
>> >>>> what Ed said is exactly right.
>> >>>
>> >>>+1
>> >>>
>> >>>It was the PA GOP controlled legislature that refused to allow ballots to
>> >>>be processed in any way, including just preliminary processing, before
>> >>>election day. In other states they did that. In those states not only
>> >>>did they have results much faster, but they also were able to notify
>> >>>voters of any problems with their ballots, eg no signature, and give
>> >>>them an opportunity to correct it and still vote.
>> >>
>> >>It is still the law.
>> >
>> >Right. If only someone had thought to mention that "PA wanted to count
>> >votes as they came in. Trump people said no". Oh, wait, someone did, just
>> >above in this thread.
>> >
>> >>I can assure you if this was going the other way the democrats would be bitching.
>> >
>> >The Democrats are already (correctly) bitching. I assume you meant to say
>> >Republicans, but who cares.
>> How did Trump tell the city of Philadelphia what to do? Your TDS is
>> showing.
>Through the Republicans in the PA state legislature, obviously. They
>refused to allow any processing of the ballots before election day.
>That set the stage for the huge backlog, the Trump red wave on election
>night with fast results from the pollls, followed by the blue wave where
>they counted the mail-in ballots and he lost. Trump and his team
>knew what they were doing. Trump discourage Republicans from voting
>by mail, they obeyed. Democrats did not, they mailed in ballots.
>It was widely reported that this is what would happen. Trump knew it
>and then on election night when he figured his red wave had peaked,
>with Biden in the lead anyway in both popular vote and electoral votes
>called, Trump went on TV and claimed he had won, claimed now a
>"great fraud" was being committed and demanded that all counting cease.
>It's just the latest, perhaps most destructive Trump assault on our

That was an excellent account of what happened.

Clare Snyder

13 Nov 2020, 01:51:4113/11/2020
On Thu, 12 Nov 2020 16:46:57 -0600, Jim Joyce <no...@none.invalid>
More likely "hey siri - call 4 seasons " - and they didn't look or pay
attention and just said yes - - - - If they we closer to the
landscaper than the hotel when they called, the landscaper would come
up first


13 Nov 2020, 07:58:1913/11/2020
Interesting how you find it your job to object to whatever Democrats do,
even small stuff, but not to Trump's despicable act on election night,
where as president he ripped apart the very fabric of democracy,
declaring himself the winner, claiming fraud and calling for all
vote counting to stop. If you value democracy, truth and freedom,
then it's every American's job to object. I thought it was sad,
despicable, but it also proved once again how right those of us
opposed to Trump have been all along.


13 Nov 2020, 08:08:5513/11/2020
Show us the cites that say the vote count was "unsupervised". I've yet
to hear of a polling or voting location where there are not officials
from both parties present to keep an eye on things. It's been that way
as long as I've been alive. It was that way in Philly. A bunch of
Trumpets pounding on doors and windows, demanding a mob be let in to
watch too makes for nice theater and videos to put forth lies that tear
at the fabric of our democracy, to mislead the gullible.
Are you gullible?


13 Nov 2020, 08:14:4613/11/2020
Show us the cites that say that the traditional officials, picked by both
parties to keep an eye on the counting, were not inside watching. That's
how it's done in all elections that I've ever heard about. Is FL, with
a Trumpet governor unable to manage that? Of course they aren't going to
allow a mob inside. Would you? And if they did, why Trump, the Trumpets
and you would be arguing that they violated the rules! Who knows who all
those UNAUTHORIZED people were. They could have tampered with the election
and screwed the results. See how that works?


13 Nov 2020, 08:17:3313/11/2020
Sadly a lot of trumpets don't seem very bright.


13 Nov 2020, 08:20:0713/11/2020
Sounds like a very reasonable explanation to me. I saw where the national
Asian Republican group endorsed Biden just before the election. They said
that they sent Trump to DC in 2016 because they wanted him to rattle the
cage, but instead he's burned down the house. That was some more mighty
fine arson from Trump on election night and since.

Ed Pawlowski

13 Nov 2020, 09:17:4013/11/2020
On 11/13/2020 1:51 AM, Clare Snyder wrote:

>>> As an aside, I lived about 1 1/2 miles from the Four Season Landscaping
>>> too. I cannot image why they chose that location aside from it is just
>>> off the I95 exit and was cheap.
>> I think someone Googled "Four Seasons" on their phone and the "Total
>> Landscaping" part simply scrolled off the small display. Instead of the
>> lobby of an expensive upscale hotel, they landed in the parking lot next to
>> the sex shop and the crematory. It's humorous, but it's what I've come to
>> expect.
> More likely "hey siri - call 4 seasons " - and they didn't look or pay
> attention and just said yes - - - - If they we closer to the
> landscaper than the hotel when they called, the landscaper would come
> up first

There has been benefits though. The female owner has been using her
newfound celebrity to boost other businesses and raise awareness of
them. They are also going to have a road race, The Fraud Street Run.
longer than the annual Broad Street Run in the city

Fantasy Island bookstore also got a lot of publicity.

13 Nov 2020, 11:51:0813/11/2020
On the other hand "backward ass Floriduh" was done before midnight on
Tuesday with a much larger vote count.
It sort of makes you wonder who is the backward one.

Bob F

13 Nov 2020, 12:12:2713/11/2020
If the Repubs let every state process the mail in votes before election
day, that would be no problem. But no, they WANTED the mail in vote to
be late so they could contest them.

Of course, trumps killing the post office performance doesn't help. It
is pure bad politics for anyone to object to counting votes postmarked
by election day.

Bob F

13 Nov 2020, 12:15:0113/11/2020
More likely, they called the hotel, which told them that covid
precluded such an unmasked crowded meeting. But since trump had already
tweeted about it, they had to make it happen any way they could.

Bob F

13 Nov 2020, 12:20:1513/11/2020
Letting a mob into the counting would be ridiculous. No sane election
manager would allow that.

Jim Joyce

13 Nov 2020, 20:22:5213/11/2020
Are you seriously asking why every square inch of this country doesn't have
an equal distribution of Democrats and Republicans?

Jim Joyce

13 Nov 2020, 20:23:3413/11/2020
You're in a hole. Put down the shovel.

13 Nov 2020, 20:38:1413/11/2020
Take that up with the Pennsylvania republicans. I am not going to
defend what people do up there in the rust belt.

13 Nov 2020, 20:40:5813/11/2020
On Fri, 13 Nov 2020 19:22:44 -0600, Jim Joyce <no...@none.invalid>
The issue is how much confidence the democrats have in the ability of
the people in their districts to follow a few simple instructions.

Jim Joyce

13 Nov 2020, 20:43:2613/11/2020
Are you the only one who should be able to change a subject? How do you
think you've earned the reputation for 2+2=7?

Scott Lurndal

14 Nov 2020, 12:13:1914/11/2020
kwa writes:
>On Fri, 13 Nov 2020 19:22:44 -0600, Jim Joyce <no...@none.invalid>

>>Are you seriously asking why every square inch of this country doesn't have
>>an equal distribution of Democrats and Republicans?
>The issue is how much confidence the democrats have in the ability of
>the people in their districts to follow a few simple instructions.

Which isn't the issue. The example was when two voters drop their
ballots in the mailbox on the same day, say a week ahead of
election day. One of the two arrives a day before the election,
and one the day after due to vaguaries (or trumpian idiocy) in
postal delivery.

The voters followed the "simple instructions", yet one was

Jim Joyce

14 Nov 2020, 14:02:5414/11/2020
That can be your issue, but that is not "the" issue. There isn't a separate
voting process for Democrats and Republicans and every other party.
Everyone within an area uses the same process.

You're not going to be able to run away from the stupid comment above,


14 Nov 2020, 14:03:4314/11/2020
Tough cookies, eh, snowflake? I mean, everyone with a pulse knows that the time
it takes for something to get through the mail varies. If you choose to wait until the
last minute, that's on you. All this Covid date extension was BS. All they had to do
was tell voters that mail may be slower than expected so put your big boy pants on
and plan accordingly.

Jim Joyce

14 Nov 2020, 14:04:1014/11/2020
You have a strange way of announcing that you're going to stop defending
the anti-voter policies put in place by the Republicans in the PA

14 Nov 2020, 18:00:2514/11/2020
On Sat, 14 Nov 2020 17:13:11 GMT, (Scott Lurndal)
First, if your, local USPS operation is so fucked up, it takes one a
week to get a letter across town, take that up with USPS. It does seem
to be a big city problem tho and sounds more like a labor action than
pure incompetence. Your choice. It is certainly not any plan or they
would all be late.
I am still not sure why that is Trump's doing. USPS loses a letter
every now and then and has at least a century.

But I suppose every bad thing in the world is Trumps fault.
When USPS fucks up next year, will you blame Biden?

We are still waiting to see when Micky gets the box I sent him.

14 Nov 2020, 18:06:5114/11/2020
On Sat, 14 Nov 2020 13:02:46 -0600, Jim Joyce <no...@none.invalid>
Nothing to run away from.
Where were the problems?

There is nothing new there. In Florida in 2000,virtually all of the
problems were in the 3 dark blue counties in the South East (Dade,
Broward & Palm Beach) and the election boards were run by the

14 Nov 2020, 18:10:0814/11/2020
On Sat, 14 Nov 2020 13:04:03 -0600, Jim Joyce <no...@none.invalid>
Are they "anti voter"?
Why would following the rules disenfranchise democrats any more than
Take your time and explain that.

Ed Pawlowski

14 Nov 2020, 19:35:3114/11/2020
On 11/14/2020 5:59 PM, wrote:

> But I suppose every bad thing in the world is Trumps fault.
> When USPS fucks up next year, will you blame Biden?
> We are still waiting to see when Micky gets the box I sent him.

That will depends on how fast DeJoy is kicked out of there. He still
has the potential to eff up the works more.

Ed Pawlowski

14 Nov 2020, 19:42:4114/11/2020
On 11/14/2020 6:09 PM, wrote:

>>>> Of course, trumps killing the post office performance doesn't help. It
>>>> is pure bad politics for anyone to object to counting votes postmarked
>>>> by election day.
>>> Take that up with the Pennsylvania republicans. I am not going to
>>> defend what people do up there in the rust belt.
>> You have a strange way of announcing that you're going to stop defending
>> the anti-voter policies put in place by the Republicans in the PA
>> legislature.
> Are they "anti voter"?
> Really?
> Why would following the rules disenfranchise democrats any more than
> republicans?
> Take your time and explain that.

Easy to explain. In this election far more blue voters opted to vote my
mail than red voters. So, you make it more difficult to vote by mail
and you hurt that crowd more. This was the goal of DeJoy from the start.

Vote by mail works and is secure so the smart thing to do it make it
easier for both the voters and the people handling them do get the job
done. Putting obstacles harms one side more than the other.

Since you said "take your time" I typed this slowly.

Bob F

14 Nov 2020, 19:45:1314/11/2020
So it was OK for trump to slow the mail down to eliminate mail voters?

It is silly to NOT count the votes that are postmarked on time. It is
pure partisan politics. Repubs are constantly trying to make voting harder.

Bob F

14 Nov 2020, 19:46:4714/11/2020
trumps the one that appointed Dejoy to slow the mail down so he could
get vote not to be counted. PURE POLITICS!

Bob F

14 Nov 2020, 19:48:4814/11/2020
Funny how many people tell him this stuff, and he just endlessly repeats
it anyway.

Jim Joyce

15 Nov 2020, 12:19:2215/11/2020
Hey, thanks. :-) I was going to get around to this but I apparently type
even more slowly than you do.

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